Arkham Origins – 1 – Blackgate Prison Event

Follow the path ahead and enter the door. Perform a counter by pressing Y, then take the thug down. Head down the stairs. Use your counters once an enemy lights up to blue, activate Ground Takedowns by pressing Y + B as well. Press Y when the blue prompts from enemies appear, press left stick + A to  evade, or if you want to complete the brawl much faster concetrate all  your attacks on a big guy, super cape him by pressing B 3x, then punch  away multiple times until you can activate shock gloves by pressing left  stick + right stick.Interrogate the thug that you will meet first, then move ahead.

Go right on the next corridor, then beat up more brawlers that you will face along the way. Press Y when the blue prompts from enemies appear, press left stick + A to  evade, or if you want to complete the brawl much faster concetrate all  your attacks on a big guy, super cape him by pressing B 3x, then punch  away multiple times until you can activate shock gloves by pressing left  stick + right stick. Use the grappling hook and crawl under the vent. Stun the armored thug using your cape stunner move by pressing B, then beat him up with multiple strikes.

Utilize the Batarang to access the next door. Beat up the enemies , then enter the grate. Punch out more enemies, then keep moving. Concetrate all  your attacks on a big guy, super cape him by pressing B 3x, then punch  away multiple times until you can activate shock gloves by pressing left  stick + right stick. Go to the right to dispatch the taunting thug.

Head down the grate by pulling it down using the Batclaw, you have to equipt it from the menu first. Equip the Explosive Gel and burn a hole across the wall, then beat up the foe. Drop down, then go up through another grate. Jump out smashing the window. Defeat the thugs by jumping to each one to keep the combo going, but make sure to counter using Y as well. Use the special attacks when you get the prompts. Retrieve the memory card, grapple up and head up the roof.




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