07: Federation Day

You'll start the mission in Federation Capital of Caracas, where a celeration is taking place. Wait for the group of choppers to land then press the UP Dpad to equip the optical scanner. Zoom in and focus on the man in a suit. The facial recognition will only be able to scan his face while he's facing in your direction so keep your scanner locked on him until you get a full scan.



After getting the signal to start the mission, follow your teammates as they jump down the rooftop to reach the zipline launchers below. Set it up then aim for the wall of the target building's rooftop then fire your zipline. Once established, hook up to your zipline and zip to the next building. Your character will automatically detach and swing so that you can scale down the wall.



Scale down the wall a bit and you'll have the first unknowing target sitting on the table in the conference room. Kill him then shift to the right to find two more targets. Just take out of them and your teammates will get rid of the other.



Move to the next floor below and wait until your pointman tells you to shift left. Wait for the walking enemy to reach the kitchen before taking him out. After getting rid of the targets in the center, move a bit to the right to focus on the three guys on the poker table. Wait for your teammate to give the order to take out the targets. Pick whichever targets you want and kill them quickly.



Continue moving down until you reach the floor where the control center is located. Press and hold the Square/ X button for Logan to use his laser cutter on the tough building glass window. After breaking in, don't follow your teammates yet. There's a Rorke File here waiting to be collected.


Collectible: Rorke File 7
After using the laser cutter on the window and after breaking in, head to the dark corridor to the left and you'll find a room there. Check the cubicles in the corner of the room near the window to find the laptop.



Regroup with your team to the power system and operate the terminal across Keegan and start uploading the virus. Guards will arrive so you'll have to keep uploading and finish right in time. Hide in the alcove and keep still. Wait for the group to pass – not until Keegan snatches the unlucky tango at the back and gets killed in the shadows. Let the group pass and follow Keegan as you head back to the ropes.



Trophy/ Achievement: Sleeping Beauty
After implanting the bug in the servers, you'll have to rappel face down and kill two enemies on the balconies below. After that, continue going down slowly and have your gun ready. Rappel slowly and look at the windows on the right side. You should find a sleeping soldier two floors below the balcony earlier by the window. Shoot him to get this achievement.


Once you're back in the line, Keegan will have you cut off the power to the building. Once done, kill the two guards in the balcony to the left. Continue down and another unsuspecting enemy will look out in the balcony below. Approach him and kill him silently using your knife.



After clearing the balcony, follow your teammates inside the building and go downstairs. You'll spot two tangos by the elevator. Kill them both and continue following your squad to the next room. There will be five tangos so select your targets and shoot them. Keegan will help taking care of the rest.



Continue following Keegan to the cafeteria. Shoot the TV on the left side as he instructed then press the UP Dpad to activate your strobe lights. Use this fast, blinking (and maybe dizzying) light to see your enemies. Clear the room and follow Keegan as you reach the viewing deck.



Regroup with Hesh in the security room then cut the power to the elevators. After doing so, head back to Keegan to find him under intense enemy fire. Take cover and engage the enemies. After clearing the room, head to the balcony and grab your line to rappel down. After the charge detonates, shoot the enemies above and avoid their falling bodies and debris.


Trophy/ Achievement: Carbon Faceprint
During the last rappel sequence, the enemies from above will throw a photocopier towards you. Just let it hit you to unlock the achievement/trophy.



Rappel down to kill the soldiers in the lower floor. Rappel one time again to swing to the floor below and break inside. Shoot the targets and find cover immediately. Keep pushing forth and eliminate all hostiles. Wait for Keegan to open the door and Hesh to bring the target back inside.



After the short conversation, you'll have to escape the building before it comes down. Follow your teammates until you reach the windows. The building's upper floor will tumble down and will cause you and the other guys to slide down. After falling through the window, deploy your parachute. Mission complete.

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