Miracle Spells

Heal Aid – Slightly restore HP

Heal – Restores HP for self and those in the vicinity.

Med Heal – Restores moderate HP for self and those in the vicinity.

Great Heal – Restores a large amount of HP for self and those in the vicinity.

Soothing Sunlight – Restores a large amount of HP for self and those in the general area.

Replenishment – Gradually restores HP

Bountiful Light – Gradually restores a large amount of HP.

Bountiful Sunlight – Gradually restores a large amount of HP for self and those in the vicinity.

Caressing Tears – Cures bleeding, poison and frost for self and those in the vicinity.

Tears of Denial – Grants one chance to endure when HP reaches 0.

Homeward – Returns caster to the last bonfire used for resting, or to the bonfire in the shrine.

Seek Guidance – Displays more help from other worlds and reveals summon signs without using an ember.

Sacred Oath – 10% (physical) AR buff, ? (physical) DEF buff, 60 seconds

Force – Creates a shockwave.While it inflicts no direct damage, this miracle propels foes back, staggering them. Can also defend against incoming arrows.

Emit Force – Releases a shockwave in front.

Wrath of the Gods – Create powerful shockwave

Lightning Spear – Hurls a lightning spear.

Great Lightning Spear

Sunlight Spear – Hurls a Sunlight Spear

Lightning Stake

Lightning Storm – Calls forth furious bolts of lightning.

Divine Pillars of Light – Bring down multiple pillars of light in vicinity.

Blessed Weapon – Blesses right weapon, increasing attack power, as well as gradually restoring HP.

Lightning Blade – Reinforces right weapon with lightning. 50 1 30

Darkmoon Blade

Magic Barrier – Increases magic damage absorption by covering the body in a white protective coating.

Great Magic Barrier – Greatly increases magic damage absorption with coating.

Dark Blade – Reinforces right weapon with dark.

Vow of Silence – Prevents the use of magic in an area.

Dead Again – Bless corpses, transforming them into traps.

Atonement – Attracts more attention from foes.

Deep Protection – Slightly boosts attack, damage absorption and resistance, while also increasing stamina recovery speed.

Gnaw – Summons insect swarm to feast on foes.

Dorhy’s Gnawing – Summon great insect swarm to feast on foes.

Lifehunt Scythe – Steals HP of foes using an illusory scythe

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