Bonus Level 2 – Shock Withdrawal (story complete)


Use iron man to destroy the silver lego bricks on the tables, these can be rebuilt into bridges between the desks. The final part of these bridges is the large rotating dollar sign.


The second rescuer is trapped under a pile of rubble that Spider-man can sense the web spot on and yank it off her.


Swap to Captain America to activate the shield switch in the rear right corner. Once you can enter his sanctuary, destroy all the objects within to get the parts for a trampoline to let him escape.


Now Electro will join the fray, move a character over to him and Electro will stun lock them. Take control of another character and run over and bop him on the head to knock him out.


The fight will reveal silver lego blocks on the safe, use Iron Man's missiles to blast it open. Inside the Shocker will be making off with the gold. He will run out of the safe and you can chase and attack to deal the first two points of damage. After this he will jump onto the back of the van. Fly up with Iron Man to deliver the final blow.




Stan Lee – Stan Lee appears in a magnetic cage behind Shocker in the money vault. Swap to a magnetic based hero to release him.


Character – Moon Knight: Mind control the civilian in the glass room on the left and pull the lever inside. This lowers the bars around an ATM nearby. Destroy it and grab the token from the rubble.


Red Brick – The pile of gold at the back of the room can be melted down by a flame based hero to find the red brick.




True believer (35,000 studs): Collect the specified number of studs during the level to obtain a gold brick.


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