Level 15 – The Good, The Bad And The Hungry




Boss: Galactus




Unlike every other level in the game, the boss of the level will start the fight as soon as the mission starts. Galactus has a few nasty attacks that can be very annoying if you aren't paying attention. The first is to suck the heroes in and eat them, to avoid this instant death attack the heroes have to tap the B button to maintain their grip.


The second is a purple energy beam that will move forward in a straight line and is an instant kill for anything in the way. As soon as you see this attack, move to the left or right to avoid it.


The third move is just a time sink. Galactus will shake the helicarrier around, this is the same as someone taking control from you for five seconds. Annoying but not dangerous unless you fall off the edge of the helicarrier. More normal attacks include a flaming meteor storm from above and firing blast of energy at characters.


The first group engage Galactus from the rear left propeller of the helicarrier.




Minikit 01/10 – Ice:


In the first phase of the battle with Galactus you will be able to see a minikit engulfed in flames at the front of the screen (away from Galactus). Use an ice based hero (eg: Iceman) to access it.


Minikit 02/10 – Activate three magnetic units + Magnetism:


On the right side of the starting area is the first magnetic unit. Swap to a magnetic character (eg: Magneto) and activate it. The second unit can be found on the far right side during the second phase of the fight. The third one is in the same area but on the left side instead. Once all are active, the minikit is yours.







Minikit 03/10 – Claw switch:


On the left side of the starting area is a claw switch. Use a clawed character (eg: Wolverine) to operate it and receive the minikit.




The propeller on this side of the ship is blocked up so the first task is to clear it. Use the Green Goblin's pumpkin bombs to destroy the silver lego objects in the way. There is also a cracked wall piece for the Thing to destroy as well. A jet with green handles on the side will crash down after this, grab onto them and throw it away to find pieces underneath.


This can be turned into a hatch that Spider-man can open with his web to reveal a control panel. Have Mystique activate it to raise the propeller of the helicarrier up. A sense spot will be below the propeller, waiting for Spider-man to detect the two web spots on the underside.


Pull the propeller into place with Spider-man and Galactus will be forced to move away by the sheer wind force generated. This is the handover to the second squad and the second phase of the fight.




Minikit 04/10 – Magnetism:


During the second phase of the fight a magnetic cover can be found on the right side of the area that can be lifted by a magnetic character (eg: Magneto) for the minikit.




To start with, use Iron Man's heat ray to clear away the gold objects. Underneath the leftmost one is a hatch covered in silver lego blocks. Use Iron Man's explosives to clear the way. Send Iron Man to the control panel and raise the propeller.


Send Venom over to the sense spot to see the two web spots underneath. Raise it just like Spider-man did and then power up the engine after Galactus damages it to move onto squad and phase three.




Minikit 05/10 – Dig spot:


During the third phase of the Galactus fight (when he is far away) at the front of the screen is a dig spot. Use a clawed character (eg: Wolverine) to find the parts for the minikit.


Minikit 06/10 – Cracked object:


On the left side of the same area is a cracked piece of debris. Swap to someone who can smash it (eg: Thor) to retrieve the minikit.


Minikit 07/10 – Flame:


At the front of the third phase area is a golden block to melt with a flame based hero (eg: The Human Torch) to find the minikit.


Minikit 08/10 – Electricity:


Next to the previous minikit is an electrical panel that can be activated by an electrical hero (eg: Thor) to obtain the minikit.




Use Dr. Octopus to interact with the web spots, allowing the trapped helicopter to be released. Underneath is is a transformation panel for Mr Fantastic. Mr Fantastic will turn into a hammer and open up the box next to him. The parts inside can be used to complete the device next to them.


Use Mr Fantastic to take control of the device and muck around with the layout until all the power cables activate. This turns on the portal device and starts to open a portal behind Galactus. Galactus has other plans though as his wild rocking of the helicarrier moves the beam out of alignment.


Send Captain America over to build the shield deflection panel and then aim the beam into the already begun portal. After the portal is large enough the fourth and final team will take control.






Minikit 09/10 – Control panel + Destroy five objects:


During the final phase of the Galactus boss fight there will be a control panel on the right side. It will open a box that releases a little mobile vehicle. Move that into the five puddles in the small area to get the minikit.


Stan Lee – Sand:


On the left side, directly in front of Galactus is a sand pit. Swap to a sand character (eg: Sandman) to kick free Stan's jet.


Minikit 10/10 – Ice: On the right side directly in front of Galactus is a puddle of water blocks. Freeze them with an ice based character (eg: Loki) to smash open the crate next to it and obtain the final story minikit.




Raise the magnetic arms with Magneto, then swap to Storm to activate the electrical panel that raises up. This brings up a stand and pieces of a globe. The goal is to assemble all the parts of the globe. Release some more parts by clearing the magnetic objects to the left with Magneto.


The golden blocks on the left hand side can be melted down by Cyclops for some more parts for the globe. The final pieces can be obtained by putting out the fires on the right hand side and then clearing the debris of the parts. Once the final parts are in place the ending cut scene will begin and the story is over. However there's still all of New York to scour and bonus levels to complete so stay tuned.







True believer (75,000 studs): Collect the specified number of studs during the level to obtain a gold brick.


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