Mongolian Beef

Talk to Mr. Kim in City Wok to start this quest. You'll receive the Tower of Peace Key.



Upon entering the tower, defeat the mongol kids and shoot the pulley to bring down the ladder.



Defeat all kids in the second floor. There's also a hidden Mongolian Treasure Key that you can get by entering the broken part of the wall to the right. The chest is located in the same area, to the left. Enter the opening on the wall to the left to reach it.



There's a chinpokomon in a cage to the right) then go to the next floor.



There's a closed dragon door here. Defeat all mongol kids to the right and shoot off the dangling dragon tail. Place the dragon tail in the left side of the door then shoot both dragon heads to open the path. Save your game and continue upstairs.



You'll be facing the Mongolian Horde. It is recommended to face them when you have add-ons to your weapons, preferably fire. After defeating them, return to Mr. Kim to claim your reward.



You'll be facing the Mongolian Horde. It is recommended to face them when you have add-ons to your weapons, preferably fire. After defeating them, return to Mr. Kim to claim your reward.



  • New Friend Requests: Mr. Kim
  • Summon Unlocked: Miniature Gong
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